18 August 2010

Day 16: Someone That’s Not In Your State/Country

Dear H.,

    Technically, you live here. But your little Indian punk ass decided to go chase a girl who lives in the Philippines!! Although I give you a hard time about being careful because you might get kidnapped, I actually commend you man.

    You’ve known this girl for two weeks, spent a quality memorable and happy one week with her before she went back home. You took charge of your life and you made this summer your best summer ever.

    Just between you and me (..and the rest of the Tumblworld), I think it’s very exciting and romantic. I’m an incurable hopeless romantic. And even though our others friends straight out gave you a hard time, I am soooo happy for you. If this do not end up the way you wanted it to, at least you had one heck adventure of a lifetime, right? Not everyone can say that. Your American born Indian punk ass is frollicking in the polluted and congested city of Manila.. my playground, my hometown. I’ve never been more jealous!! Haha!!

    I hope you are indeed having the time of your life. I can’t wait for you to come back and tell all your stories.. Don’t forget to buy me something!

From USA to the P.I.,

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