03 November 2008


a.) iccsaa: spent the weekend of the 24th in springfield illinois and was the best time ever. yay for sno cones. *wink wink*

b.) psychic fair: dressed up as a mime with danny for cpb's psychic fair on the 27th.

c.) work: tryna catch up with my missed days at work that i've been working every free time i can get.

d.) have to look for an apartment. FAST!

e.) ugh. given up hope of getting a car by the 12th of nov as my anniversary gift to myself. have to put it off for a few more months.

f.) have to look for a second AND third job. FASTER!!

g.) news about the a-flipz club that made me VERY heartbroken. disappointed and heartbroken.

h.) will start working out. started today. have to lose weight FAST!

i.) more publicity for cpb this month.

j.) have to talk to profs to may be finish the semester earlier than the rest.

k.) halloween!!

l.) went trick or treating with sisters and danny.

m.) halloween party at cherry's. FUN!!

n.) almost done knitting green scarf.

o.) saw the wedding date w/debra messing. was fun. =]

OH.. another week.


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