27 September 2011

..and the award for Best Outburst of the Year goes to....

I had a really bad day yesterday, to the point where I was kicking stuff on the floor and throwing things in the air because I couldn't find something. It was raining nonstop, my car window was stuck open at 2 inches, and the driver's seat was drenched. Add to the fact that the mess in my room is stressing me out. I can't wait for Thursday when I can get a new storage for all these crap. I actually want my room to look as minimalistic as possible. I guess I just can't handle it.

I knew I snapped yesterday when the only thing that made me feel better was to swear out loud. Nope, not kidding. I gave up swearing years ago. I mean, there are times when I would tweet/blog (etc) swear words and stuff, but never out loud. All my swear words are eff this, fudge that. mothertrucker, ish. But yesterday, while getting ready for work and being mad at the world, all that came out of my mouth was Fuck It, Fuck This Shit, Fucking Shit.... well you get the idea.

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