04 May 2009



I need to get a job. Soon! Because all of a sudden I partying after an after party. Or hanging out after a hang out. Aaahh! It's like taking a vacation after coming back from a vacation. I can't afford this recent discovery of a lifestyle if I don't get a job. Soon.

Last friday was ECC's Best Dance Crew hosted by the Spartan Sweethearts. And Noah, Nikki, and Danny formed a crew and called themselves Devil's Persuasion, or DP for short. Haha, I know, I know.

And seriously, with all the competition, it was like their crew was made to win. Haha. Well, plus they were just osang (ooh I missed using that word). And they were the only crew who had special effects. Fog light and spot lights. So the effect was very silhouette-ish. But yea, DP won!!

So yea, basically, after the dance competition there was supposed to be an after party. But then it was moved to the next day. But DP and their close friends and family went to afterparty at Nick's Pizza. Special thanks to our sponsor, Nikki's dad Angelo. Hehe. And then we were supposed to afterafterparty at jHo's house but we stayed at Nick's for way too long and it was already late to go to jHo's house.

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