19 May 2009

leadership banquet

2005-2006 leadership banquet: red carpet
asian filipino club: best event on a shoestring budget,

2006-2007 leadership banquet: sock hop
asian filipino club: distinguished member award, outstanding president award

2007-2008 leadership banquet: broadway
asian filipino club: most creative marketing plan, distinguished officer award, distinguished club award.

2008-2009 leadership banquet: awesome 80's
college programming board: distinguished member award, best event on a shoestring budget, distinguished club award.

i have been to four leadership banquets, with four different themes. four outfits. four pairs of shoes. two clubs. 9+ awards. i finally got my own. an award with my name on it. but that's not my biggest celebration. my biggest celebration is that i've proven to myself, and others, that wherever you put me, i have something to bring. that i can bring something to the table. and that i am not a nobody. i give myself 100% to a cause that i believe in and i cross that finish line with my head help up high. because even if there's twelve more awards down the line, i don't see my name in any of those recognitions, my work reflects my heart and those awards reflect my passion.

thank you, college programming board, for letting me make a difference.
congratulations! we all deserve it. don't stop rockin'!


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