30 April 2009

screw you okay??

Okay. This really should not be a big deal to me, but it is, and so I need to vent. Big time.

Yesterday, I was reading some congressman's letter on this website I found and Molly and Nick were to my right doing Molly's paper on something. Out of nowhere, FrickinDavid walks in yelling "Shatner! Shatner! Shatner!", like he's cheering or something. They told him to be quiet because they're doing a paper and then I turned to him and made the "SSHH" sign. After a few seconds, he walked up behind Nick and started yelling "Shatner!" again. And then I turned around and gave him the "SSHH" sigh again, then Nick told him to be quiet. AND-frickin-THEN, FrickinDavid looks straight at me and says squarely, "Make me, Janis." All serious and shiznit.

That was it. I snapped. I snapped hardcore AND bigtime. I turned back around and started yelling my head off and wagging my finger and whatnot at FrickinDavid. I was all like, "How dare you talk to me like that. You have no right to speak to me that way. Here I am being nice to you and you're telling me I'm being rude by telling you to shut up when I never did. I am done. Make me? Make me, David? Go find yourself another friend coz I'm done." or something to that effect. And then I turned back around. And ignored him. And I plan on ignoring him for the rest of my life. Ugh.

He just exed himself on my list.

Screw you FrickinDavid.


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