04 April 2011

Bad Dream.

    It's 713am and I woke up with my heart still pounding. I just had a really bad dream, and I don't know how to make of it.

    Basically in my dream, there's Dioni (my good friend from high school that I used to have a crush on) and in my dream we're really good friends (high school history and all) and he's dating this girl (it's actually She Who Must Not Be Named, aka the ex's current squeeze). The setting was all familiar: apartment, surroundings, etc., only back home in the Philippines and I'm surrounded by all my other high school friends.

    Anyway, in my dream, I guess Dioni was on his way with another friend Roy and they were gonna go to the house of the girl Dioni was dating. They were inside his car, parked and about to drive away when two ladies came up to his side of the window and started pounding on his window. Dioni rolled the windows down an inch to yell at them to stop. One girl suddenly produced a baseball bat and started smashing all of the windows in Dioni's car. He got out of the car and he started fighting the girls, and blah blah blah, something bad happened.

    I was in my apartment with a bunch of other girls hanging out when Roy, barged into the living room with the bad news. I was crying my heart out and was hysterical and all that. I was yelling at him why he didn't help, or why they were out so late and he was driving and they were parked in a shady part of town.

    Cut to the next scene. I was in my bedroom which is actually the master's bedroom in the apartment, and I was crying and I was on the phone with my friend Iciang when She Who Must  Not Be Named entered the room.

ME: What are you doing here?
HER:I just found out the news right now. (But she wasn't crying)
ME: Well, if it's any consolation, I know EXACTLY what you're feeling right now. (Sarcastic coz she didn't looked like she cried at all)
HER: How come everyone told you and not me?

    Cut to the next scene, the funeral at a church. For some reason, She Who Must Not Be Named and I went to the funeral together and since we were late, everyone kind of turned around on their seats to look at us. Hello awkward turtle.

    There was a musician playing some funeral-y music in the middle of the aisle and the casket was opened but it was facing the front of the church meaning you'd actually have to go around it if you wanted to look inside. I didn't want to walk up to the casket but everyone was not-so-subtly whispering that I should go look. Oh, and She Who Must Not Be Named just eventually took a seat somewhere seeing as nobody was paying attention to her (coz no one knew her and for whatever reason, the only people who attended that funeral were all my high school friends).

    Eventually, I walked up to the casket and when I was halfway around it, Dioni was placed in a really weird and awkward position. Pretend you're arms and legs are wrapped around the trunk of a tree so you don't slide down.. yeah, that's what he looked like. As soon as I saw that, I turned and walked away (because I thought it was really weird) but not before I saw in the corner of my eye that he moved, sat up, and started wiggling his body parts.

    Around maybe 90% of the people in that church got up and started walking towards the exit, like nothing happened. A handful started gasping, crying, screaming, whatever. SWMNBN started sobbing quietly at one end of the pews. I heard some of the people walking out say stuff like "Finally, we can leave" or "About time" or whatever. My friend Iciang came up to me and started talking to me. "Ja, why are you still crying? Didn't you get one of the cards he sent out? This is all a test. I thought you were just playing along." And at that point, I looked up and saw Dioni barraging towards me saying things like, "Ja! Why are you still crying? I'm back! I'm not really dead! It's a social experiment I had to do for school. Don't cry now, I'm still here. Don't be mad, diba nag-iisa lang ako sa buhay mo? Andito na 'ko, wag ka na umiyak o sige na..!" (aren't I the only one in your life? I'm here, please don't cry anymore..!"

    At this point, I saw SWMNBN look up from what Dioni said and she turned around and ran away.

    ...and then I woke up. And my heart was pounding.

(For a detailed interpretation of my dream, check out my other blog here.)

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