17 September 2008

"..if you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.."

oh dale carnegie, thank you for your wisdom!

fyi, dale carnegie wrote "how to win friends & influence people.
fyi, this book is so awesome it's been in print for 70 years!

i am taking mkt105 (sales) and we have to do a report on dale carnegie's book, and from the first 30 pages i've read, i can already tell this will help me learn about stuff i should've realized a long time ago. =D

but right now, i just wanna share something that i learned from dCarnegie..

appreciation and flattery are two different things.

appreciation is sincere, flattery is not.
**flattery is cheap praise.
appreciation comes from the heart out, flattery comes from the teeth out.
one is selfish, the other unselfish.
one is universally admired,and the other is universally condemned.

"flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself."

once i did bad and that i heard ever//twice i did good and that i heard never.

some people are so hungry, so thirsty for appreciation that they will swallow anything, just as a starving man will eat grass and fishworms.

so remember people: appreciation, not flattery.


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