07 August 2009

Update: Day Seven.

This just in.

  • I asked him to meet me in VPAC today at 11a and he never showed up. I'm hurt, I'm deeply hurt. I there is such a thing as "more broken" then I'm definitely that. I've been trying to reach him but efforts are futile. Did I mention I miss him?
  • I went to my Fedex second interview and it was fine. It wasn't outstanding, just fine. Unlike my first interview, which I thought I did well, this one was just fine. But I hope and pray that I get it because it's full-time. Yay!
  • It has been raining pretty much since 10am. I figured the weather was joining me in my sadness. Honestly, it felt like I have no more tears to cry. Maybe that's why it rained. But I look outside and it's not raining anymore. Hope, maybe?
  • I decided to continue reading Twilight before I went back to Maria's house. Where? Awesomest place ever. I seriously am starting to fall in love with Lords Park here in Elgin. I parked my car and facing the lake and just sat there while I read Twilight. Hey, that made my day bearable, at least.
  • Now I'm back here in Maria's house. Patiently waiting.

I need a distraction from that phone. I need to stop calling. I'm broken.


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