07 August 2009

Day Seven: Day Off.

Haha! I have not had that kind of day since, I don't know, six months ago I guess. And I am not scheduled today. And better yet, It's payday! Well, granted it's payday every Friday but, oh well. Only I have to double-check if I'm already part of the payroll. Otherwise, I'm stuck until next Friday. Oh, that reminds me, I have to see when I'm scheduled next week.

And then, and then, and then. I have my second interview with Fedex today at 1p! Yay, yay, yay! Please pray for me and wish me luck okay? I'll update later tonight. I guess.

On a more sour note, it's been 38something hours since our spat and I still haven't heard from him. I've been calling and texting and just short of stalking him out, but of course I didn't, because I want to konw if he's okay. My mind's a halohalo of "what's going ons" and what's wrongs" and "are we still okays" and everything else in between. It's a win-lose situation I have going right here. I got a job, a family who has put a roof above my head, and a possible second job. But I might be losing the one most important person in my life. I pray as hard as I can and I wish with all my heart that that's not true. I'd like a winning streak please.

I admit, I have been selfish in some of my ways, and I would like to ask a second chance. I may not deserve it but I would like to prove that I can get over myself and become a more mature person. The one person who has taught me to be mature and kindhearted and unselfish is once again teaching me to be so. I hope that God grants him the patience that has faltered when it came to dealing with me. I feel that the person that I love is slowly slipping through my fingertips and I can barely hold on as he might be trying to let go. My heart breaks with just the thought of it happening so. I believe, and had always believed, that we have grown together as individuals and as a couple. I wish it doesn't stop now. I love him, and it breaks my heart to remember that the last memory I have of him was a stoic face, a cold kiss, and a healfhearted hug. I love him, and always have. I will not stop now. I will not give up now.


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