Surprise, surprise!
After actually not going to a catholic church for many, many, MANY months, I decided last night that I am going to church today. And I actually did! I mean, granted I was supposed to go the the 9am one, but I overslept and ended up hearing the 12noon mass, I still went. Without anyone telling me to do so, or twisting my arm, or the promise of free food or whatnot. I don't know, I just felt like I really need this now. I need to fill this void in my life, before I totally forget.
So after searching for a decent catholic church with good parking, hours that I actually know, and an English service, I went with St. Thomas Moore in Elgin. I guess a lot of Filipinos go there to hear mass, and I thought it was cool that it was a Filipino priest too. Anyhoo, I've known about this church for some time but I never really went. But a few weeks ago, my friend's second kid was baptized in that church and my boyfriend was godfather so we were invited to go. I liked the place, and the parking space, etc. So today I finally went.
It was kinda weird and awkward at first because I have already gotten used to my boyfriend's church's informal way of conducting service that I kinda felt detached to the catholic church's formal, structured ways. But nevertheless, I stayed and paid attention and shared "Peace be with you"s to everyone around me. If I just keep this up, I'm pretty sure I'll get back to the hang of it.
Maybe I'll even volunteer my time. =D
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