18 August 2010

Day 18: The Person That You Wish You Could Be

Dear J.,

    Hey, it’s me again. Sorry if I keep coming back to my old self. I’m just being really nostalgic. Reminiscent of the days when you didn’t have a care in the world, when the only thing you knew how to be was you. The days when there were no labels. You were not single, a girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend. You were just you.

    I don’t ever wish for you to be a different person. I look at the person staring at me in the mirror every day and I see every scar, every pain, every teardrop, smile, every heartbreak and suffering, every sadness and happiness and achievement and success and it looks beautiful.

    I only wish for you to rekindle the fire inside of you that most people envied and liked about you.
I am who I am and I like it.
Growing Up and Growing Old,

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