08 May 2012

Dream On

I've been waking up really tired the last few days, if that even makes sense. I've been having really tiring dreams. Usually it involves running and chasing, well, being chased. 

I need to keep a notebook next to me so I can write down my dreams. I don't have recurring dreams. But I have recurring themes. Like, I'd run or fly or jump a certain way with a certain feeling. And now that I think about it, half the time I'm usually being chased. The other times, I'm meeting "a love of my life" and there's never a face.

Well anyway, since I woke up barely 10 minutes ago, I figure I'd try to decode my dream.

My dream is already starting to get skewed because I spent some time trying to find the meanings of the symbolism of my dream. The story, basically, is that I was attending my high school reunion and I was with my friend Iciang, and I happened to look across the gymnasium and saw an old classmate Dlan. I kept pointing him out to Iciang because she couldn't see him and after a few minutes, Dlan walked up to us. Then we all went out to somewhere, I think to eat, but I'm not sure anymore. Then suddenly, I was being chased by  this big fat dirty slob man with a revolver, because I was chasing a little girl in a white girly dress. She was using a rope to scale walls and trees, while I was climbing the shit out of them. At one point I ended up in somebody's living room and the guy was still on my tail. I was circling the living room, then I saw a fluttering curtain which meant an open window. I ran to that side of the room and parted the curtain to see a window that swivels in the middle, but I still manage to slide out. The guy was still shooting at me and at this point I managed to lose the girl. I found myself in the middle of this tree farm and the bad guy had a group of 2 guys and one lady and they were chasing me. I ended up running towards the opposite way of where the girl was supposed to be.When I realized it, I started climbing trees and jumping from one to another to find her. I finally go to her then I told her to give me the rope and I tied one end on her waist and the other on mine, so I don't lose her again. The guy caught up to us but he managed to lose his revolver and I ended up catching it. First I threatened to shoot him, and when he won't stop charging at us, I aimed the gun at his fat thigh and shot him, but the revolver was empty. Then I don't know how but I found gardening scissors and I threw one to the little girl and we were trying to stab the guy.... AND THEN I WOKE UP.

To see a revolver in your dream symbolizes lingering danger. It also represents fear, anger, aggression, and your quick temper. You are using your power to protect yourself against the fear and anger.

Palm Tree 
To see a palm tree in your dream represents tranquility, high aspirations, fame, victory, hopes, and longevity. It also symbolizes paradise and leisure. Perhaps you need to take time for a vacation and relaxation.

To dream that you are climbing up something (ladder, rope, etc.) signifies that you are trying to or you have overcome a great struggle. It also suggests that your goals are finally within reach. Climbing also means that you have risen to a level of prominence within the social or economic sphere.
To dream that you are climbing down something indicates that you need to acknowledge and take notice of your subconscious. You are expressing some hesitance and reservation with delving into your more negative feelings. Alternatively, it suggests that you may be feeling low or emotionally drained.

To see a girl in your dream represents your playful, innocent, and childlike nature. Perhaps you are behaving immaturely in some situation. Alternatively, a girl represents the feminine qualities of your character.

To see a rope in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others. It is symbolic of what is holding your relationship together. Alternatively, a rope signifies bondage, restriction and captivity.

To dream that you are being chased signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.
To dream that you are chasing someone signifies that you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others.

To see lush green trees in your dream symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.
To dream that you are climbing a tree signifies achievement of your career goals and attainment of higher positions in life. The speed at which you climb the tree will parallel the speed of your achievement of these goals.

To dream that you are using scissors denotes decisiveness and control in your waking life. You need to get rid of something in your life. It also represents your ability to cut things or people out of your life. Perhaps you are being snippy about some situation.
To see a pair of scissors in your dream indicates that your focus is being divided into too many directions.

To see or dream that you are shutting the curtains signify secrecy and a repression of thoughts. You are concealing some personal matter or some aspect of yourself. On the other hand, to dream that you are opening the curtains indicates that you are ready to reveal something hidden about yourself.

To see a window in your dream signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.To dream that you are entering or exiting through a window suggests that you are involved in some secretive or underhanded activity. Alternatively, the dream means that you are creating your own opportunities. You make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen.
If you fall or are push through a window in your dream, then it means that you are unwillingly going along with a plan. Perhaps you feel pressured into doing something that you really do not want to do. Your own vision is in conflict with someone else's.
To see shut windows in your dream signify desertion and abandonment.

Living Room 
To dream that you are in the living room represents the image that you portray to others and the way which you go about your life. It is representative of your basic beliefs about yourself and who you are. Alternatively, the living room is indicative of your freedom and space. The living room is a symbolic boundary between your personal self and your public self. Objects that do not belong in the living room denote the various aspects of your life that are invading your personal space.

To dream that you are attending a reunion suggests that there are feelings from the past which you need to acknowledge and recognize. Or perhaps the dream is highlighting how you have already incorporated the certain aspects or qualities of the people in your dream reunion. 

To dream that you are in a gymnasium indicates that you need to apply what you learned and incorporate it into your daily life. Alternatively, the gym may be telling you that you need to get more exercise.

Of course, to me personally, this makes a whole lot of sense. The everybody else, they just got a glimpse of a part of me.. or the biggest part of me. I don't know but I'm tired.

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