29 September 2011

Words From A Stranger

I was training the new girl again last night, and during the course of the evening when it slowed down, we got to talking about each other's life. We somehow ended up talking about MY (non-existent) lovelife.

Not in order, here are the words that she's shared with me.
That's a long time to for a girl not to be loved. I think you deserved it at most a year into him leaving.
            -on me not having someone for that last two years
Girl, you need to get out there. You say you can't flirt, but you just have to go out there and do it. The least they can do is say no right? And you don't even know them that well, so it's not a big deal.
            -on my inability to flirt
 From what I can see, you have a really awesome personality. I don't know why you're so hesitant to put yourself out there. All you have to do is take all the good things and make them better. The bad ones? Just leave them at the door.
            -on how I should go about putting myself out there
I've only trained her three random days and she says I have an awesome pesonality. Maybe she's just being nice, but then again that's just me again taking a compliment and shredding it to pieces with my self-doubt. If a stranger can see that I have a good personality and that I deserve someone since apparently I'm awesome like that, I think about the times I've met people and my low self-esteem forbade me to put myself out there where I can be vulnerable again. They probably saw it too. But I was too caught up on my loneliness that it never occured to me that I deserve to be happy too.

Thanks, MP, for the kind words. :)

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