27 April 2009

Recently, I’ve been having this feeling that my brain is getting duller. I don’t know. Like, school is just not doing it for me anymore. I mean, I love going to school. For the most part, being surrounded by people and learning. But learning inside a classroom? No. Learning about life? Yes. I don’t want to learn how to dissect a frog, or to point out where the medulla oblongata is. I don’t want to differentiate mission from vision to core values. I don’t want to dive 5,205 by 243.4 and subtract that from 54 raised to 3. The answer is 157402.62 by the way. Although those things can be interesting, I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. I know people who are younger than me who already graduated college, who already have careers. I know people who are the same age as me who finished school, have their careers, have their houses, even families. But I’m Janis, I’m 24 and I’m still a nobody.
“I know who I am and what I can do. But I don’t know where to go.” This thought came across my mind when I went to a leadership symposium a couple of weeks ago. And I can say that “It sucks, man!”
So I’m thinking, what do people who don’t go to school do to sharpen their minds again? (Mind you, it sucks that my drive to get an associate’s degree, let alone a bachelor’s, has dwindled down a bit and I need to refocus and get back on track.)
So I’ve decided to feed my brain. I mean there will always be –ugh, my window’s open and there’s a motorcycle revving down the street for the past ten minutes and it’s annoying me!—arts and crafts to keep me sane. And there will always be school (because society AND family dictates that I go through). And there will always be intellectual conversations. But I need something else. Something new. Something to challenge my brain and sharpen my dulling mind.
You know that thing about shampoos? Apparently, you’re supposed to change your brand of shampoo every two weeks. Or at the very least alternate shampoo brands every two weeks. They said that your hair gets used to that one brand that its effect on your hair will not be as much. So you use another brand. And then you switch. Blah, blah, blah.
So with this whole feeding my brain thing. I’ve decided on reading more books, and watching more foreign films. I’m doing it. For the year of 2009 I will have read a lot of books and seen a lot of foreign movies that I will be smarter. Or at the very least, keep my brain from getting duller.

Here's my Reading List for the week:
(All from Meg Cabot)
Boy Meets Girl
Size 12 Is Not Fat
She Went All The Way?

Here's My Movie List for the week:
Slumdog Millionaire [check]
Cinema Paradiso
Off Side
La Dolce Vita


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