finally, the balance of the universe has run a full circle. i've been locked in front of my laptop and my tv [mtv] and watching the overmarketed previews of sweet sixteen exiled, a "reality" tv show about 16 former brats, i mean sweet 16ers, who got shipped off to the boofoos by their parents. la dee da. africa, thailand, vanuatu, india, morroco among others. it sounds exotic if you think about it, but that's from a vacation point of view. but to be exiled? deserts, and jungles, and frozen tundras.
all i know is i hope this thing teaches these brats that there are more to life than what's outside their parents' credit cards. it makes me wonder though what made these parents decide to do these stuff..
i think it's from all those loud noises from their princes' and princesses' parties.
and if these don't work, then mtv may still get something out of it, the fresh breed celebrity aristocrats who will be future covers of tabloid magazines.
oh well.
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