i’m just throwing it out there but, why is everybody hating on
rebecca black’s friday? okay so it may be the worst song ever, it may be
the worst video in history, it may be the worst anything of everything.
but after watching the video, watching the mass responses, reading
articles, comments, and (yes, i did go there) her wikipedia page.. i
gotta say, this has really got to build this girl’s character.
i feel bummed for the rest of the day if someone even comments on
my outfit (or something like that), and i don’t think i’ll ever get
back to the embarrassment, humiliation and throwing of stones that
people are doing to this poor young girl.
is it really her fault that she wanted to go after her dreams?
from what i know (i stand corrected), she sang a prewritten song. ark
music factory took care of everything. her parents paid $2000 to give
their daughter the experience of being a music artist. why are we
frowning down on her for it? it’s bad, so what?
at least she has the balls to address the issue instead of
breaking down. she has gotten the nastiest comments i’ve heard (so far)
like “go cut yourself and i hope you become bulimic maybe you’ll be
prettier” type shizz.

..wait, so people are buying her songs in tunes to make fun of it
more?!? she’s number 39 in the itunes top 100, even surpassing the
bieb. if i wanted to make fun of a song, i’d go on youtube or something.
guess who’s the winner there? rebecca black or the millions of people
who viewed and reviewed (and showed their friends) the videos and bought
the songs?
yep, i think so.
we made her famous. think about it. all it took was ONE PERSON.
and when you add all those “one persons”, then you get 17,505,934 views
on youtube. i can’t believe this generation has taken to collectively
ruining a young girl’s life.. what, just because of her bad singing, bad
video, bad lyrics, etc.???? which, by the way, is all just a matter of
opinion.. expert or not. ashlee simpson has a weird voice, so does miley
cyrus.. yes, even justin bieber. SO FRICKIN WHAT??
is this what we do now to young adults who wants to chase after
their dreams? instead of encouraging them to do better in life, we throw
rocks at them and won’t stop until they’ve fallen to the ground? i have
younger siblings and i’m worried to send them off to the real world if
this is what they’re gonna have to face.
dear rebecca black,
go out there and chase your dream.
kudos to you for not letting your detractors win. god knows who still
have a good heart in this world. keep that good heart of yours and don’t
let anybody bring you down. take this experience as a lesson and a
reminder that people will always try to bring you down, and only you can
make yourself get back up again.