i'm going to iccsaa for the second year in a row!! danny and i are going again but this time under a different clubs: me=college programming board and him=volleyball club. last year we went under the asian filipino club. i'm so excited. this year it's gonna be in springfield, illinois and i'm looking forward to sightseeing! haha, what a tourist. but for some reason i feel like this year's going to be a little bit lame than last year. correction, this year may be lame, coz last eyar was awesome. iono, for some reason, the people in studet life are not as much fun as last year's. but then again, maybe they're younger than me and not everyone's friends. (well, that's how i see it). iono, but for me, last year's school year was cool. despite the drama. everyone was friends with EVERYONE. well, uh, plus the fact that danny and i were the first ever members of the a-flipz club to represent and go to iccsaa. and since this year, there'll be no one from the a-flipz (which i'm kinda disappointed but whatever), then danny and i will have been the ONLY a-flipz in the history of the club to go to iccsaa. yay us. we're so osang, it hurts. XD
ugh. i don't even want to get into that fact conference thing.
so yea. i can't wait, even though dnany and i are going without receiving the information email. haha. that'd be fun. for one thing, there's a dinner tonight and although i know that we're supposed to dress nice and whatnot, i just brought jeans, flats and a nice-enough top. danny's outfit will be a button-down shirt and jeans. that'll be interesting. cz we didn't know it's supposed to be business attire! ahaha!
well, it's 45minutes til take off (by bus haha).
and danny's still at vball practice. i should go get him.
yay, i'm so excited!!
i will be patient. i will have faith. i will not let go of hope. i will believe. i will be strong. i will continue to love. i will continue to smile. i will laugh from the heart. i will trust. i will be happy. i will be independent. i will be headstrong. i will survive. i will always be me. ♥
24 October 2008
21 October 2008
[wis]dells, baby.
i would like to thank my sponsors, jason catala and danny espiritu for making this trip possible. haha!
last saturday, i went to danny's karate demonstration and it was pretty much for the whole day. i was videotaping and taking pictures and stuff. and danny did this musical form he's been working on for a week. it was awesome, i tell ya! (you know it, and i know you're reading this dude!) i've been in the last two demonstrations (happens every year) which makes this my third, and i have to say, this has been his coolest musical form yet! it was intense and fast and [osang] and whatnot. XD
and then after karate, we ate at portillo's with his family and some other people from karate. and then.. jason has been calling us inviting us to follow him and nikki up in wisconsin dells. at first danny and i were like, nah, too far and too late. but since we're just [osang] like that, we finally went "let's go!" around 9-10ish pm. and since danny and i usually do impromtu and on-a-whim stuff, he just packed a little bit, i didn't even have anything with me(!) and off we went. thank god the van i drove is registered with my mom's iPass. =D no swimsuit, no underwear, no change of clothes. all i had was my purse, a zip-up track jacket, and a free shirt from the karate demonstration. hey, at least i had a toothbrush. haha.
it was a nice place, very homey and i like the log cabin-essness of it. there were set ups around the hotel and we played around the the whole hotel. there was a stage with a psoter of hannah montana and the jonas brothers (joBros baby! just kidding). and i took a picture. and then they had a huge arcade place downstairs and bears and bulls and mooses (meese?) everywhere. i was just so excited coz its my first time at the dells. and i didn't even have money then! i didn't get paid until after the trip so danny spotted me, which is why he's awesome, coz he always makes sure we both have a good time.. and we did!!
and then when we woke up the next day, we went for buffet breakfast (yum) after taking more pictures.
haha! then we went swimming!! i felt like such a fatso coz i really wasn't expecting to go to wisconsin and go swimming and then i ate a HUGE breakfast! the first place we went to when we went to the waterpark was the tornado thing, and i got SCARED. yea, i'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to ANY ride, that has drops and falls in it. and this water funnel ride was five-storey high. (well, imagine the one on hurricane harbor which is 8-storeys). they all went the first round, and then they forced and coerced me. i seriously didn't want to. but i got my scaredy little butt on to the raft and then i fell on my butt landing on that funnel thing anyway! i have to admit it's fun.. but i hate hate HATE the dropping part. and they went at least 10 times, i think. and then there was that other ride where you slide face first, and i'm like, uh-oh. no. no effin way. no more drops. i think i would've enjoyed more if i wasn't such a coward, but i had fun nevertheless coz it was a fun trip with a fun group of people. yay us!
me + danny + nikki + jason
a.) nice face, nikki! (coz jason farted maybe..)
b.) me and danny are looking at jason's camera
c.) nikki and jason are looking at danny's camera
09 October 2008
my secret wish.
i have a secret wish. something that i have longed for for a while now. but it's so big and so secret that i have yet to tell someone. anyone. and yet, i want it to happen. i want it so bad that the mere thought of it not happening breaks my heart. i see it everywhere. on tv, movies, my friends, people on the streets. and i want it too.
..i want to marry danny.
..i feel he's the one.
..and i love him so much.
..i want to wake up every morning next to him.
..to kiss him goodnight is the last thing i want to do every night.
..i want to learn to cook so i can make him dinners.
..do his laundry.
..give him a massage when he gets home from work.
..i want to drive him to his karate class.
..i want to go to church with him.
..i want to watch him sleep.
..and wake up.
..and get dressed.
..and help me do chores.
..i want to have a nice house with him.
..with a 4-cylinder car, with a freaking pink or blue car seat at the back.
..and yet he doesn't know a thing.
aw gawd.
..i want to marry danny.
..i feel he's the one.
..and i love him so much.
..i want to wake up every morning next to him.
..to kiss him goodnight is the last thing i want to do every night.
..i want to learn to cook so i can make him dinners.
..do his laundry.
..give him a massage when he gets home from work.
..i want to drive him to his karate class.
..i want to go to church with him.
..i want to watch him sleep.
..and wake up.
..and get dressed.
..and help me do chores.
..i want to have a nice house with him.
..with a 4-cylinder car, with a freaking pink or blue car seat at the back.
..and yet he doesn't know a thing.
aw gawd.
07 October 2008
who knew online can be so sweet? [♥]
[original chat started minutes earlier but too personal to put.. XD]
12:32 AM
danny: whatcha doin?
me: haha.. nothing. whatcha doing
am watching the replacements
danny: nothin
whatcha doin
12:33 AM ?
12:34 AM
me: nothing watching the replacements
danny: nothing playing on the computer
whatcha doin?
me: nothing playing dressupgames
whatcha doing?
danny: nothing knitting a sweater
whatcha doin?
12:35 AM
me: nothing laying on the bed
watcha doing?
danny: nothing running around aimlessly and naked
whatcha doin?
12:36 AM
me: nothing thinking about you running around aimlessly and naked
12:37 AM whatchadoing?
danny: nothing thinking about you thinking about me running around aimlessly and naked
whatcha doin?
me: nothing missing you
12:38 AM watchadoing?
12:39 AM
danny: "There's an Italiam painter, named Carlotti, and he difined beauty...He said it was the summation of the parts, working together in such a way that nothing needed to be added, taken away, or altered, and thats you, you're beautiful.
--Nicolas Cage, Next
12:41 AM
me: "Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
12:43 AM
danny: Love is arguments that can't be sorted until they're talked through. Even if it means tyou can't face seeing each other for days without feeling anger, you both know after the explanations and apologies have sunk in, everything will be alright again.
12:44 AM
me: "Love is knowing you are the bud from which his happiness blossoms."
12:45 AM
danny: "The best thing about me is you"
12:46 AM
me: awwwwwww...
danny: you're supposed to keep going
12:47 AM
me: i know but i couldnt help myself on that one.. hold on m turn
"If you will asked me to give up everything my answer is no. Why? Because you're my everything and I can't give you up."
12:49 AM
danny: I love you, not only for what you are, but for what i am when i'm with you
me: "Loving you is the second best thing I have done, finding you was the first."
12:50 AM
danny: "you make me immortal with just one kiss"
12:51 AM
me: "Each turn of the clock hand uncovers another reason why I love you!"
12:52 AM
danny: "life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction"
12:53 AM
me: "The never-ending feeling I feel when I'm with you, the warmth of your hands when the world feels so cold, love to many is just a simple word, but to me it's knowing that you will always be there for me, and that to me is everything."
12:55 AM
danny: "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart."
12:56 AM
me: "If ever you think of me out of the blue, just remember it's all the kisses I've blown in the air finally catching up with you!"
12:57 AM
danny: "loving you is like seeing a glimpse of heaven"
12:59 AM
me: "Sometimes someone says something really small and it fits right into this empty place in your heart."
1:01 AM
danny: "if I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand/"
1:03 AM
me: =D
"Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask."
1:04 AM
danny: "Kiss me and you will see stars; love me and I will give them to you."
me: "Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars."
1:06 AM
danny: "love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
1:07 AM
me: "Most people want to be the sun that brightens up your life, but I'd rather be the moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours."
1:08 AM
danny: 'If I know what love is, it is because of you."
1:10 AM
me: "I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you."
1:11 AM
danny: "somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile...that someone is me."
1:13 AM
me: "I love you not because it is right, but because I love you."
danny: "if I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you"
1:16 AM
me: "It's not my fault I love you, it's yours."
danny: "and if it all falls apart, I will konw deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true....In this life, I was loved by you"
1:19 AM
me: "I love you more than my teddybear, but please, don't tell him ... ."
1:20 AM
danny: "If rain drops were kisses, I could send you showers. If hugs were seas I send you oceans. and if love were a person I'll send you me!!"
1:21 AM
me: I love you more now than when you began to read this sentence."
1:22 AM
danny: "You talk too much, you laugh too loud, that's the price of loving you."
me: hahaha!!!
"I love you, beyond poetry."
danny: "I love you more than you love me"
1:24 AM
me: "I love you very much, because with you, I found a way to love myself again."
danny: "How sweet it is to be loved by you."
1:25 AM
me: have you been using songs?!?!?!?
"Just before I turn in for the night, I want to let you know that my heart stays with you tight, so that my warmth will make you feel that everything's going to be right. I love you."
danny: "If you love me like you say you do, you'll buy me ice cream."
1:27 AM
me: ??
haha! that was so cute
danny: thank you
i win!!!!
i'm gonna take a shower
and get ready for bed now
i'll call you after that
me: we've been at it for an hour.. can i get a last chance??
1:28 AM
danny: nope
me: its okay.. that was cute..
danny: wasn't it awesome
betcha didn't see that one coming
me: what all of it?
1:29 AM
danny: yeah
especially the ice cream part
me: i know.. i'm all warm and fuzzy now..
you're cool,, =D
meant every all of it too..
danny: how come you're warm and i'm cool
me: **every all??
danny: i thought iwas hot stuff
and you're ice cube
1:30 AM ?
me: you know what i mean.. =D
danny: yeah yeah yeah
me: well,, we rubbed off each other
danny: well...we rubbed on each other too
me: ahaha!! how can we go from talking nasty
danny: doesn't this make you wanna just lay back and cuddle
me: to talking sweet??
danny: ?
1:31 AM me: yup.. cuddling would be the best way to end it.. =D
the night i mean
danny: oh ell
me: delayed gratification,, XD
danny: i guess we'll have to save it for another day
me: yup.. i agree.. can't wait! XD
danny: BOOBIE!!!
that's a good way to end it
1:32 AM you agree?!?!
me: PENIS!! and BOOBIE too
danny: on "BOOBIE!!!"
okay okay
me: yup!
danny: gotta get rady now
me: aiyt fine.. =D
gimme a call.. =D
danny: mmkay
me: <3 :-|
danny: signing off
1:33 AM me: mkay
12:32 AM
danny: whatcha doin?
me: haha.. nothing. whatcha doing
am watching the replacements
danny: nothin
whatcha doin
12:33 AM ?
12:34 AM
me: nothing watching the replacements
danny: nothing playing on the computer
whatcha doin?
me: nothing playing dressupgames
whatcha doing?
danny: nothing knitting a sweater
whatcha doin?
12:35 AM
me: nothing laying on the bed
watcha doing?
danny: nothing running around aimlessly and naked
whatcha doin?
12:36 AM
me: nothing thinking about you running around aimlessly and naked
12:37 AM whatchadoing?
danny: nothing thinking about you thinking about me running around aimlessly and naked
whatcha doin?
me: nothing missing you
12:38 AM watchadoing?
12:39 AM
danny: "There's an Italiam painter, named Carlotti, and he difined beauty...He said it was the summation of the parts, working together in such a way that nothing needed to be added, taken away, or altered, and thats you, you're beautiful.
--Nicolas Cage, Next
12:41 AM
me: "Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
12:43 AM
danny: Love is arguments that can't be sorted until they're talked through. Even if it means tyou can't face seeing each other for days without feeling anger, you both know after the explanations and apologies have sunk in, everything will be alright again.
12:44 AM
me: "Love is knowing you are the bud from which his happiness blossoms."
12:45 AM
danny: "The best thing about me is you"
12:46 AM
me: awwwwwww...
danny: you're supposed to keep going
12:47 AM
me: i know but i couldnt help myself on that one.. hold on m turn
"If you will asked me to give up everything my answer is no. Why? Because you're my everything and I can't give you up."
12:49 AM
danny: I love you, not only for what you are, but for what i am when i'm with you
me: "Loving you is the second best thing I have done, finding you was the first."
12:50 AM
danny: "you make me immortal with just one kiss"
12:51 AM
me: "Each turn of the clock hand uncovers another reason why I love you!"
12:52 AM
danny: "life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction"
12:53 AM
me: "The never-ending feeling I feel when I'm with you, the warmth of your hands when the world feels so cold, love to many is just a simple word, but to me it's knowing that you will always be there for me, and that to me is everything."
12:55 AM
danny: "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart."
12:56 AM
me: "If ever you think of me out of the blue, just remember it's all the kisses I've blown in the air finally catching up with you!"
12:57 AM
danny: "loving you is like seeing a glimpse of heaven"
12:59 AM
me: "Sometimes someone says something really small and it fits right into this empty place in your heart."
1:01 AM
danny: "if I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand/"
1:03 AM
me: =D
"Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask."
1:04 AM
danny: "Kiss me and you will see stars; love me and I will give them to you."
me: "Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars."
1:06 AM
danny: "love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
1:07 AM
me: "Most people want to be the sun that brightens up your life, but I'd rather be the moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours."
1:08 AM
danny: 'If I know what love is, it is because of you."
1:10 AM
me: "I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you."
1:11 AM
danny: "somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile...that someone is me."
1:13 AM
me: "I love you not because it is right, but because I love you."
danny: "if I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you"
1:16 AM
me: "It's not my fault I love you, it's yours."
danny: "and if it all falls apart, I will konw deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true....In this life, I was loved by you"
1:19 AM
me: "I love you more than my teddybear, but please, don't tell him ... ."
1:20 AM
danny: "If rain drops were kisses, I could send you showers. If hugs were seas I send you oceans. and if love were a person I'll send you me!!"
1:21 AM
me: I love you more now than when you began to read this sentence."
1:22 AM
danny: "You talk too much, you laugh too loud, that's the price of loving you."
me: hahaha!!!
"I love you, beyond poetry."
danny: "I love you more than you love me"
1:24 AM
me: "I love you very much, because with you, I found a way to love myself again."
danny: "How sweet it is to be loved by you."
1:25 AM
me: have you been using songs?!?!?!?
"Just before I turn in for the night, I want to let you know that my heart stays with you tight, so that my warmth will make you feel that everything's going to be right. I love you."
danny: "If you love me like you say you do, you'll buy me ice cream."
1:27 AM
me: ??
haha! that was so cute
danny: thank you
i win!!!!
i'm gonna take a shower
and get ready for bed now
i'll call you after that
me: we've been at it for an hour.. can i get a last chance??
1:28 AM
danny: nope
me: its okay.. that was cute..
danny: wasn't it awesome
betcha didn't see that one coming
me: what all of it?
1:29 AM
danny: yeah
especially the ice cream part
me: i know.. i'm all warm and fuzzy now..
you're cool,, =D
meant every all of it too..
danny: how come you're warm and i'm cool
me: **every all??
danny: i thought iwas hot stuff
and you're ice cube
1:30 AM ?
me: you know what i mean.. =D
danny: yeah yeah yeah
me: well,, we rubbed off each other
danny: well...we rubbed on each other too
me: ahaha!! how can we go from talking nasty
danny: doesn't this make you wanna just lay back and cuddle
me: to talking sweet??
danny: ?
1:31 AM me: yup.. cuddling would be the best way to end it.. =D
the night i mean
danny: oh ell
me: delayed gratification,, XD
danny: i guess we'll have to save it for another day
me: yup.. i agree.. can't wait! XD
danny: BOOBIE!!!
that's a good way to end it
1:32 AM you agree?!?!
me: PENIS!! and BOOBIE too
danny: on "BOOBIE!!!"
okay okay
me: yup!
danny: gotta get rady now
me: aiyt fine.. =D
gimme a call.. =D
danny: mmkay
me: <3 :-|
danny: signing off
1:33 AM me: mkay
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